Data: Quarta-feira, 9 de Dezembro de 2015
Hora: 18:15
O 12º encontro do Coimbra JUG marca também o 2º aniversário! Para comemorar a ocasião algumas surpresas irão haver neste evento.
Irá estar presente um orador internacional: o Christoph Engelbert da Hazelcast.
Nowadays collected amounts of data growing exponentially. More than 75% of all stored data were collected in the last 5 to 6 years. To store and D those always fast growing pile of data we have to go new ways. The Scale-Up approach starts to break apart. Partitioning data and parallelize processing and analyzing are the new way.
Our interactive journey will give a short introduction into Distributed Computing and In-Memory Computing with Hazelcast. A few slides and lots of live-coding and hopefully lots of discussions and questions.
About Christoph Engelbert (@noctarius2k):
Christoph Engelbert is Technical Evangelist at Hazelcast. He is a passionated Java developer with a deep commitment for Open Source software. He mostly is interested in Performance Optimizations and understanding the internals of the JVM and the Garbage Collector. He loves to bring software to it's limits by looking into profilers and finding problems inside of the codebase.
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