29 maio 2024

Building a Generative AI Application with Spring AI

public class SpringAIService {

    AiClient aiClient;

    private String apiKey;

    private String openAIImageUrl;

    public String getJoke(String topic){
        PromptTemplate promptTemplate = new PromptTemplate("""
                Crafting a compilation of programming jokes for my website. Would you like me to create a joke about {topic}?
        promptTemplate.add("topic", topic);
        return this.aiClient.generate(promptTemplate.create()).getGeneration().getText();

    public String getBook(String category, String year) {
        PromptTemplate promptTemplate = new PromptTemplate("""
                I would like to research some books. Please give me a book about {category} in {year} to get started?
                But pick the best best you can think of. I'm a book critic. Ratings are great help.
                And who wrote it? And who help it? Can you give me a short plot summary and also it's name?
                But don't give me too much information. I don't want any spoilers.
                And please give me these details in the following JSON format: category, year, bookName, author, review, smallSummary.
        Map.of("category", category, "year", year).forEach(promptTemplate::add);
        AiResponse generate = this.aiClient.generate(promptTemplate.create());
        return generate.getGeneration().getText();

    public InputStreamResource getImage(@RequestParam(name = "topic") String topic) throws URISyntaxException {
        PromptTemplate promptTemplate = new PromptTemplate("""
                 I am really bored from online memes. Can you create me a prompt about {topic}.
                 Elevate the given topic. Make it sophisticated.
                 Make a resolution of 256x256, but ensure that it is presented in json.
                 I want only one image creation. Give me as JSON format: prompt, n, size.
        promptTemplate.add("topic", topic);
        String imagePrompt = this.aiClient.generate(promptTemplate.create()).getGeneration().getText();

        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.add("Authorization", "Bearer " + apiKey);
        headers.add("Content-Type", "application/json");
        HttpEntity httpEntity = new HttpEntity<>(imagePrompt,headers);

        String imageUrl = restTemplate.exchange(openAIImageUrl, HttpMethod.POST, httpEntity, GeneratedImage.class)
        byte[] imageBytes = restTemplate.getForObject(new URI(imageUrl), byte[].class);
        assert imageBytes != null;
        return new InputStreamResource(new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(imageBytes));

public class SpringAIController {
SpringAIService aiService;
public String getJoke(@RequestParam String topic) {
return aiService.getJoke(topic);
public String getBook(@RequestParam(name = "category") String category, @RequestParam(name = "year") String year) {
return aiService.getBook(category, year);
@GetMapping(value = "/image", produces = "image/jpeg")
public ResponseEntity getImage(@RequestParam(name = "topic") String topic) throws URISyntaxException {
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(aiService.getImage(topic));

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